Arks don't have rudders.
Noah was safe, but he wasn't in control.
When I give my life to God, when I put it into His hands, I can't steer myself anymore (not that I ever could). I'm at His mercy, and that's a good thing.
I don't know where I want my life to head. I don't know how to get there. There aren't maps for my future or stars I can track.
What good would a rudder do me? I would take control and proceed to lose myself. I wouldn't trust God.
As long as I toss myself into His arms, as long as I enclose myself in Him as I drift upon the seas, He will deliver me where He needs me to be.
I don't know where that is. I don't care where that is.
God destroyed the earth, but He remembered Noah.
When Moses' mother set him adrift upon the Nile River, the crocodile infested Nile River, she put him in an ark--a little basket made from reeds.
Moses didn't have a rudder on his little ark. His mother couldn't guide him after she let go.
Yet God brought him safely to a place Moses would have never imagined. And he was perfectly in place for God's plans.
God doesn't do things on a whim. He doesn't say, "Oh, shoot! Moses' mother just put him in the Nile! Now I have to save his life so my plans will work." He knows. His plan was already in place.
I'm tired of sticking my hands into the waters to attempt to steer myself. God will guide me and keep me safe and place me where I need to be--where my God-given gifts will coincide with my God-given values to affect the God-given people in my life.
"O, Love that will not let me go,
I rest my weary soul in Thee...
I chase the rainbow through the rain,
And feel the promise is not vain,
That morn shall tearless be."
I'm happy to be rudderless.
That is my absolute favourite RUF song :]