
On Blogging

I've started thinking in blog titles. I'll be sitting in class or walking outside or doing homework or talking to friends and that situation leads to a blog idea. Then I come up with a snappy title for it.

The problem is... I don't have a ton of time to blog. When I do have the time, I don't want to choose just one of those blog ideas and they're all too outdated. I also hate having multiple ideas or themes in one post, yet I don't want to inundate you with twenty posts or so at once.

I'm not sure what I need to do to cure this. Obviously, I need to blog more often, even if it isn't long or poignant or significant. A photo here and a video there will work.

And if I make blogging a habit (because it is definitely something I like to do), then I'll be better about not allowing weeks to go between posts. I use my lack of time as an excuse, but if I'm so used to blogging and I blog more often but with smaller posts, then my time isn't truly an issue.

I need this blog. It's about the only time I write outside of class. I love writing (as I should--writing major and all...), but I find it difficult to write when I don't have something to say. The thing is... I know that I always have something to say. I just don't realize that I can write trivial things, things I have to say but I don't put much value to. Blogging is a relaxing escape for me. I need it more often, believe me.

I don't know. I don't know the point of what I'm saying. I don't know what I need to do. All I know is that I want to write, and I definitely don't do it enough.

I think I expect a job or an internship to just fall into my lap one day. I don't do anything to make employers want me, and I'm not building up a portfolio. I have papers for class, but nobody wants to see those. I know I'm talented, but how would somebody else know that if I don't give them anything to look at?

I've got to write--for me, for my future.

Blogging takes perseverance and dedication. I can do it. I can. My mind works this way. I've just got to put it to paper (metaphorically in this case).

I think? I don't really know.

Just some musings... on blogging.


  1. yay! you've started a good blog :) good luck with it friend!


  2. Something that helps me is keeping a list of topics I want to blog about. If they're outdated by the time I sit down to type, that's fine. Chances are no one will even know that those thoughts are two weeks old. Also, use small breaks in your day (I use down time at work) to get started or type a short one. I love blogging too, and it's something that takes a little discipline since we are so crazy busy :) You're a talented writer, so blog more because I want to read your posts more!!!

  3. I love you! And it's ok if things don't have a point. That's a lesson I've definitely learned. I can sit down and ramble about everything and nothing and it's fine. As long as you start talking, things will happen. And after awhile, you'll realize if you think something doesn't have a point, it still means something to us :)
    love you!
